
  • Female
  • 17/11/2000
  • Followed by 3 people
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  • Travelling with map
    Travelling with a map can be a great way to explore new places and navigate unfamiliar terrain. Here are some tips for using a map while travelling:Get a good quality map that is detailed and up-to-date.Familiarize yourself with the map before you start your journey.Use a compass to orient yourself and determine your direction.Identify landmarks or other points of interest to help you...
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  • Exloring the world
    The world is colorful. Let’s do whatever you want. Travelling, go camping, studying abroad, .. When you are young with less preoccupation, it’s ideal time to explore the world and purchase your dream. My dream is travelling around the world. I really like doing crazy things with my soulmate. I have Tom. We have common interest. I suddenly met him in magical summer. We now become...
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