Good news. You’ve made the decision to start a sustainable tourism business. Now it’s time to find the right Sustainable Tourism Consultant for your new project and make your ideas a reality.

But how can you know who will be best for your needs? We wrote this guide on how to select the right sustainable travel consultant for your business so that you can confidently choose someone who is qualified, experienced, and ready to help!

Working Relationship

  • The consultant should be a good listener.
  • The consultant should ask the right questions.
  • The consultant should provide relevant examples and case studies.

When choosing a sustainable tourism consultant, it’s important to consider the long-term relationship you will have with that person. You want to make sure that your consultant is someone who can provide personal service and who is an expert in their field; not just someone who has been working as a sustainability specialist for ten years but does not have any experience in your industry or region (or even country). It’s also important for you to feel comfortable talking through your goals with them, so they become familiar with what success looks like for you.

Sustainable Tourism Consultant

Experience and Certifications

You should also consider the consultant's experience. We are all working with a limited budget, and it can be tempting to hire someone who has less experience than you think is necessary. However, remember that each project will be unique and a consultant with more experience has likely worked on projects similar to yours in the past.

This is because different consultants have different specialties or areas of expertise. For example, some consultants focus specifically on ecotourism while others specialize in community-based tourism development. Some consultants are more experienced with working with businesses or governments than others.


Sustainable tourism consultants are those with a passion for sustainability. If they're not passionate, they probably won't be able to sustain your project over time. 

Similarly, if they don't understand your business or industry, or have no connection to your community, then their knowledge will be limited and their recommendations less relevant.

If you find a consultant who has the right skills and experience but lacks this essential ingredient—passion—you may want to reconsider hiring them for your project.

On the other hand, if you find an individual who has both passion and expertise working on their own personal travel projects (including home improvement), there's a good chance that person will deliver excellent results when working with clients like yourself.


It's important to know that cost is not the most important factor when selecting a consultant. Cost should be in line with the value you receive and it should be competitive with other consultants in your area. 


In the end, the most important thing is to find a sustainable tourism consultant who shares your passion for making travel and tourism more sustainable. So remember these tips when looking for an expert to help you with your next project.
