In addition to the monument's aesthetic splendor, one of Stonehenge's appeals is the legends surrounding its construction. Its use has been the subject of numerous ideas, some of which contend that it served as a memorial, an observatory from which the seasons were forecast or a place of devotion to the sun.

If you're looking for information, you may find the most fascinating features here, along with a variety of activities and suggestions to help you get the most out of your trip. On your list of things to see and do while visiting London, be sure to include the Stonehenge tour. Here are the best things to do when you buy the Stonehenge tickets:


Enjoy the Stone Circles: Naturally, Stonehenge's stone circles are its greatest draw. Even after decades of research, it is still unclear exactly why they were created and what purpose they served.

How those ancient builders moved the hefty stones that make up them from a great distance is also a mystery.

In conclusion, these circles are a mysterious relic of our ancestors and are well worth the travel to Stonehenge from London to consider them.


Neolithic Houses: There are also five fascinating reproductions of Neolithic homes located today that makes up the Stonehenge complex. They were all reconstructed using artifacts from Durrington excavations that contained findings from that period.

They contain a variety of items so that visitors can attempt to comprehend life 4,500 years ago. Several volunteers provide visitors with explanations of various aspects of prehistoric life to improve this didactic component.


Stonehenge Exhibition: A visit to this exhibition is essential if you want to learn more about Stonehenge and its conceivable builders. You may discover everything there is to know about the monument—from its stones to the locals who lived there at the time, via the surroundings, and, of course, the potential significance of the ruins—in this book.

Ancient artifacts and audiovisual displays are used to present all of this information. A total of 250 archaeological artifacts, including pottery, tools, jewelry, and some human bones, are on display.


Special Display: If you're still curious about Stonehenge and its occupants, you can visit a unique exhibit that first debuted in 2015.

The "Wish You Were Here" display demonstrates how the Stonehenge monument has changed through time. It also explains how the remains came to be recognized all around the world. 


Buy your Stonehenge tickets well in advance to get the best Stonehenge tour experience. Bon Voyage!