Any time you move - say to contrivance the two handed attack, or because you aloof happened to move - you allegation to contrivance the aboriginal advance (left) he throws by attractive down Dark And Darker Gold. Already you've done that, he will be ashamed to complete position and you can abide abandoned attractive bottomward on the adapted and big swings.

I noticed no differences in hitboxes amidst classes, aloof differences in run speed/swing acceleration which fabricated alienated the scream added difficult compared to rogue.

Also I'm not abiding what my fastest annihilate time is, but I abandoned anytime did a brace runs with gear. Not abiding why, but akin ashamed I was accepting out with accessory every run I still adopted actuality naked.

One final affair that I did - although as far as I could tell, it didn't affect his swings, ashamed I could do it midroom too - was I bashed him on a wall. If you consistently cull to the aforementioned spot, you can battleground your run out for the two handed swing, which helps abstain the scream if you're animate slower classes than rogue. You adeptness booty some deaths landmarking the minimum run out range, but assurance me it makes a aberration in consistency.

This actually helps out a lot. Thanks. I'll bethink to use those tips.

I never looked bottomward ashamed he was accustomed abreast ftom the big adjournment one. I did try to position myself ashamed the Broadcast was ambiguity around, but now I apperceive how to do it better.

The abandoned affair I'm apprehensive is whether it's annual it re-learning all of this ashamed I about able the added strat cheap Dark And Darker Gold.