How to make money using flipkart affiliate marketing in 2023

One of the best ways to earn money in digital marketing is through affiliate marketing, which have more than enough traffic. For instance, a large number of writers, webmasters,bloggers and YouTube users in India generate significant income from affiliate links on well-known e-commerce platforms like Flipkart.

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Flipkart Affiliate Marketing

 Flipkart Affiliate Marketing is one of the best way to make money by promoting and marketing various products that are offered on Flipkart.

Flipkart doesn’t require an introduction because it is India’s most well-known e-commerce company. Flipkart, a well-known online retailer with everything a contemporary Indian needs, and online shopping which includes the shopping opportunity to buy variety of merchandises from grocery to medicines, fashion items to baby care products or items which you need on the daily basis and you can also buy electronic gadgets from these e commerce sites, with the help links of these goods, one can earn a healthy income from Flipkart Afflilate. But it’s challenging to set up an associate account.

Affiliate programs typically involve the following parties:

 Merchant or Advertiser: The company or business that owns the product or service being promoted.

 Affiliate or Publisher: The individual or company that promotes the merchant’s product or service through various marketing channels.

Customer or Consumer: The person who clicks on the affiliate’s referral link and makes a purchase or performs a desired action on the merchant’s website.

 Affiliate programs can offer a range of benefits for both merchants and affiliates. For merchants, it provides a cost-effective way to increase their sales and reach a wider audience, while for affiliates, it allows them to earn passive income by promoting products or services to their audience. Affiliate programs can vary in terms of commission percentage, payment terms, and marketing resources provided to affiliates. They can be managed in-house or through third-party affiliate networks.

When someone clicks on the affiliate link and makes a purchase on Flipkart, the affiliate earns a commission on that sale. The commission percentage varies depending on the product category and can range from 1% to 10% of the sale price.Flipkart provides affiliates with various tools such as banners, text links, and widgets that they can use to promote products. Affiliates can track their earnings, clicks, and sales through the Flipkart affiliate dashboard. Flipkart affiliate is a way for individuals or companies to earn money by promoting Flipkart products to their audience without having to stock or sell products themselves.


What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which an individual or company promotes someone else’s product or service and earns a commission for each successful sale or referral that they generate. In affiliate marketing, the affiliate partners with the merchant or advertiser and promotes their products or services through various marketing channels such as social media, blog posts, email marketing, or banner ads.

When a customer clicks on the affiliate’s unique referral link and makes a purchase or performs a desired action such as signing up for a service or filling out a form, the affiliate earns a commission on that sale or action. The commission percentage and payment terms can vary depending on the affiliate program and the product or service being promoted. Some affiliate programs may offer a one-time commission, while others may offer recurring commissions for ongoing subscriptions or services. Affiliate marketing allows individuals or companies to earn money by promoting products or services to their audience without having to create or own the products themselves. It is a popular way for merchants to increase their sales and for affiliates to earn passive income through their marketing efforts.

How to use flipkart affiliate

Becoming a Flipkart affiliate is a simple process that involves signing up for a free account, promoting relevant products, and earning commission on successful sales. You just have to follow some steps which are as follow:

Visit the Flipkart Affiliate Program website then on “Join Now for Free“.

Fill in your personal details such as your name, email, and mobile number. Also, provide details about your website, blog or social media profile, where you plan to promote Flipkart products.

After submitting your details, you will receive a verification code on your email and mobile number. Enter the code to verify your account and you will see that your Flipkart Affiliate sign up has been completed and you can use it in any manner you like.

 How to earn money from flipkart

To earn money from Flipkart affiliate, you need to sign up for the Flipkart Affiliate Program and start promoting Flipkart products through your affiliate links. Here are the steps to get started:

  1. Sign up for the Flipkart Affiliate Program:

Visit the Flipkart Affiliate Program website and sign up for a free account. Fill in the required details, including your website or social media profile URL, and submit your application.

  1. Get approval:

Once you have submitted your application, the Flipkart Affiliate team will review your profile and approve it if it meets their criteria. You will receive an email confirmation once your account is approved.

  1. Choose products to promote:

Browse through the products on Flipkart and choose the products you want to promote. You can select products that are relevant to your  audience or the products which you can easily be able to get through your audience.

  1. Generate affiliate links:

Use the Flipkart Affiliate Dashboard to generate unique affiliate links for the products you want to promote. You can use these links in your website, blog or social media posts. These links are very effective, once anybody buy an item using your affiliate link you will get some commission from it.

  1. Promote products:

Start promoting the Flipkart products using your affiliate links in your bolgs, youtube videos or in any other platform. You can write product reviews, create comparison charts or simply promote the products on your social media platforms.

  1. Earn commission:

When someone clicks on your affiliate link and makes a purchase on Flipkart, you earn a commission on that sale. You can track your earnings and commission through the Flipkart Affiliate Dashboard.

To earn money from Flipkart Affiliate, you need to create quality content, promote relevant products, and attract traffic to your affiliate links. The more sales you generate, the more commission you can earn. For all to work you have to go through each and every step whichwe have mentioned above and you will start your Flipkart affiliateprogram by signing in.

How to do Affiliate Marketing with Flipkart

Flipkart Affiliate program have provided user a platform by using it, they not only earn some money from it but also able to get commission if someone goes through your link directly. There is various way to how you can work with Flipkart so that you can earn some wealth, there are some ways which you have to keep in mind while using Flipkart Affiliate.

  1. Choose the products to promote:

Visit the Flipkart website and select the products that are relevant to your niche or audience. You can choose products based on their popularity, customer reviews, or commission rate or you can use the product which have great hipe near your surroundings.

  1. Create content:

Create high-quality content such as product reviews, comparison charts, or buying guides to promote the Flipkart products. You can create content on your website, blog, or social media platforms and you can add link of Flipkart products in your blog or Youtube.

  1. Use affiliate links:

Use the Flipkart Affiliate Dashboard to generate unique affiliate links for the products you want to promote. Use these links in your content to redirect your audience to the Flipkart website.

  1. Promote on social media:

Share your content on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to reach a wider audience. Use relevant hashtags and post at the right time to increase engagement and try not to break the consistency if, this will get broken you might lose your audience which will affect all your efforts.

  1. Leverage email marketing:

Use email marketing to promote Flipkart products to your subscribers. Create a compelling email newsletter and include your affiliate links in it and you can also add links in the description of your Youtube channel.

  1. Utilize paid advertising:

You can also use paid advertising methods such as Google Ads or Facebook Ads to promote Flipkart products. Make sure to target the right audience and use attractive ad copies to increase click-through rates.

  1. Analyze performance:

Use the Flipkart Affiliate Dashboard to track your performance and analyze which products are performing well. Use this data to optimize your marketing strategy and focus on promoting the high-performing products.

To do marketing with Flipkart Affiliate, you need to create high-quality content, use affiliate links, and promote the products through various channels. By following these steps, you can increase your earnings and become a successful Flipkart affiliate marketer.

How to redeem Flipkart Affiliate money

If you want to redeem the money which you have earn by using flipkart Affiliate. To do so you atleast have minimum money of RS 5000 in your account. You have to follow some steps to withdraw money from Flipkart affiliate account which are as follow:

First of all, login to your Flipkart Affiliate account.

Visit the Flipkart Affiliate Program website and log in to your account using your email and password.

Navigate to the ‘Payments’ section: Click on the ‘Payments’ section in the left navigation menu.

Enter your payment details, in the ‘Payments’ section, enter your payment details such as bank account information, IFSC code, and other required details.

Once you have entered your payment details, click on the ‘Request Payment’ button to initiate the payment process.

Once you have requested for payment, the Flipkart Affiliate team will verify your account details and process your payment. You will receive your payment in your bank account within 7-10 working days.

 It’s important to note that Flipkart Affiliate Program pays on a monthly basis, and you can redeem your earnings once you have reached the minimum payout threshold. Also, ensure that you have provided accurate payment details to avoid any delay in receiving your payment.

How to use Flipkart affiliate API

Using the Flipkart Affiliate API can help you to integrate Flipkart’s product catalog, prices, and other data into your website or application, and earn commissions by promoting Flipkart products. It is very easy to use or work on the Flipkart Affiliate api, for doing that just have to follow some steps which have given below:

First, you need to sign up for the Flipkart Affiliate Program and get your affiliate ID and API key.

The Flipkart Affiliate Program provides detailed documentation for the API, which you need to read and understand how to use the API.

Depending on your platform, you can use different methods to integrate the API. For example, you can use REST APIs for web applications, and SDKs for mobile applications.

Once you have integrated the API, you can use the provided methods to access Flipkart’s product catalog, prices, and other data. For example, you can use the search API method to get product details based on keywords or categories, and use the product API method to get details about a specific product.

Use the affiliate ID provided by the Flipkart Affiliate Program to generate affiliate links for the products you want to promote.

Use the Flipkart product data obtained from the API to display products on your website or application and promote them to your audience. When someone clicks on your affiliate link and makes a purchase on Flipkart, you earn a commission on that sale.

 Working on the Flipkart Affiliate API involves integrating the API, using the provided methods to access Flipkart’s product data, generating affiliate links, and promoting Flipkart products to your audience. By following these steps, you can effectively use the Flipkart Affiliate API to earn commissions and increase your earnings.

To Conclude:

Flipkart has given a great opportunity for their users to earn by using its affiliate. You can easily earn income on monthly basis which you can easily able to withdraw but you should have atleast RS 5000 in your wallet. Flipkart also give some commission to their users who use the link from certain websites or other social media platform to make a purchase from Flipkart in indirect way and the commission may vary from 1% to 15%.


Flipkart is one of the largest e-commerce companies in India, offering a wide range of products from electronics and fashion to home goods and groceries. Flipkart also has an affiliate program, allowing individuals and businesses to earn commissions by promoting Flipkart products on their websites, blogs, or social media platform.To become a Flipkart affiliate, one needs to sign up for the program and get approved by Flipkart. Once approved, affiliates can choose from a variety of tools, such as banners, text links, and widgets, to promote Flipkart products on their platforms.Affiliates earn commissions on every sale that is generated through their unique referral link. The commission rate varies depending on the product category and can range from 1% to 12%. Flipkart provides regular reporting and payment of commissions earned to affiliates. Flipkart affiliate program can be a great way for individuals and businesses to earn extra income by promoting products they love to their audience.


 Is affiliate marketing available on Flipkart?

Yes, affiliate marketing is available on Flipkart. Flipkart has an affiliate program called Flipkart Affiliate, which allows individuals or businesses to earn a commission by promoting Flipkart’s products on their websites, blogs, or social media platforms.

How to register for Flipkart affiliate?

To register for Flipkart affiliate, you can follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Flipkart Affiliate website:
  2. Click on the “Register” button in the top right corner of the page.
  3. Fill in your personal and website details. You will be asked to provide your name, email address, password, and website URL. If you don’t have a website, you can choose to promote Flipkart products through social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter.
  4. Read and accept the terms and conditions of the Flipkart Affiliate program.
  5. Click on the “Register” button at the bottom of the page.

How do I get pay from Flipkart Affiliate?

In the contemporary era, Flipkart Affiliate program is the best platform, if you want to earn money. By referring users to, by using the link or banners on your site.

What is affiliate and how it works?

Affiliate marketing means sharing product or referring a product in your blog or social media account or podcast, websites. It works when somebody go through your site and click on the product you have provided and make any purchase with that and you get some commission from it.

Is Flipkart affiliate is safe?

Yes, of course it is safe and provide the best and secure platform for their user to get interact and make some money which can be easily withdrawn.

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