An appointment not to be missed on Tuesday 21 February, at 11, at the Grandi Scuole in Milan.

Butterflies will fly in the form of poems with the presentation of the book, published by Resalio and written by the Sicilian actress and dubber, Danila Tropea.  Musical A Milano

A colorful and passionate life that of Danila, born in Messina on 1 November 1981 and raised near the sea she loves, in Sicily.

A passion for writing that began at the age of eight, when she entrusted thoughts, fairy tales and poems to the pages of a diary, devouring books and flying with her imagination to create a world where she could transform like a butterfly into anything he wished.

She attends dance, singing and acting courses and is encouraged by her parents to follow her path. Danila, with the passion that distinguishes her, graduated with honors from DAMS in 2004, specializing in entertainment.

Although his dream was to break into the world of entertainment, but the caterpillar was not yet a butterfly, Danila understands that you can't live on theater alone.

Relying on the sea, which he has always loved, he gets on cruise ships working as a receptionist, tour guide, and then as purser on ferries.

Ten years of free and serene flight over the waves of the sea, where the gaze gets lost and the words become melody.

For her, the sound of waves crashing on a rock is music.

Music that touches emotions that move his arm to immediately look for a pen.

Danila continues to cultivate his passions from there too, he read texts, scripts and studied diction and acting between one boarding and the other. In June 2016, after a three-year course, she graduated from the Academy of Musical Vaudeville in Messina.

After a year the turning point.

With courage, full of hope and strength in herself Danila completes her transformation. At the age of 35, she leaves her permanent job, owning a house, family and boyfriend, finally following the path that the sea had so often suggested she pursue.

The colorful flight that tastes like victory takes her to Rome, where she becomes company administrator of the musical "Mamma mia!" from Peeparrow Entertainment. 

With the same duties, he also follows another successful musical, "Billy Elliot".

On the stage of “Mamma Mia!” she meets the actor and dubber Luca Ward, one of the protagonists who, between one rerun and another, encourages her not to give up the acting path, rather to follow her dreams and also undertake that of film dubbing.

Finally the wishes of the little Danila come true: theatrical performances and TV series begin for her in which she lends her voice and has the opportunity to immerse herself in a thousand lives, in a thousand experiences, attitudes, emotions, moods.

Empathic in the theater, as in dubbing, she expresses her emotions, her obsessions, moods, her life in general. She continues to write notes and thoughts to reflect and find herself, placing them in the drawer, until her important meeting, that of her with Resalio Produzioni and Fabrizio J. Fustinoni.

 The publisher Fabrizio, having listened to his story, takes all his writings out of the drawer, reads them carefully and believes that in those words everyone can find a piece of himself, of his own experience. Identify, cry or laugh. 

 “Today she is a versatile actress and voice actress in great demand, she teaches acting... this first collection, by an emerging author, but already full of artistic experiences to make my head spin, has enriched the palate of my superior senses , I discovered that poetry is not only classical but can be daring and transform itself into wonderful modern lyric, sometimes even punk or rock….” declares the publisher Fabrizio J. Fustinoni.

Thus was born "Butterflies", published by Resalio, poems like mirrors that reflect the colors that everyone has closed inside themselves like chrysalises, which will open becoming colored wings of butterflies.

 Danila's flight is just beginning, her projects are still many: she dreams of writing a collection of poems entirely in Sicilian to prove that those who told her to give up were wrong.

“I realized that life is all about cabbage. Except that in certain moments they are bitter cabbage…”, reads a poem by him.

The presentation of this book, which Danila kept for himself for a long time, and which he has finally made public, does not happen by chance at the Grandi Scuole headquarters.

Here, for over thirty years, hundreds of students have been accompanied by teachers able to believe in them, to encourage them to pursue their dreams.

 Danila Tropea's story is an example for everyone.

“Everyone has their own child self living inside that they have stopped talking to too quickly. These poems will be an incentive for everyone to move forward in the face of difficulties, reading them the same way you sip a good whiskey”, declares the author Tropea.

So what are you waiting for? Don't miss her presentation and her poems, which teach us, like the words of Frida Khalo, author much loved by Danila, to always be proud of our choices.