QuickBooks technical issues are frustrating and may seem insurmountable. One such update error is QuickBooks error 12029. This error indicates a problem with the network connection between the servers and the accounting software, which prevents the latter from acquiring an IP address. This error occurs when the supporting servers take longer than expected to return to QuickBooks. When updating QuickBooks desktop or payroll is another common cause of this problem. Reading the whole post will help you understand this error much better.

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Possible Causes of QuickBooks error 12029   

Having covered the fundamentals of QuickBooks error 12029, we can go on to determine its root causes. It's important to remember that a variety of internal and external factors might contribute to this kind of error. Let's break out each of the two potential causes.

External Causes

  1. Downloading the QuickBooks payroll update is the initial external source of Error number 12029.
  2. QuickBooks cannot connect to the server because of restrictions imposed by your network security software or firewall.
  3. If Internet Explorer is not set as the default browser.
  4. If your data plan has run out.
  5. Poor SSL configuration.

Internal Factors

  1. The QuickBooks program has trouble connecting to the internet.
  2. If QuickBooks is having connection problems, etc.
  3. This error code may be generated if access to the server has been denied.
  4. A timeout when updating QuickBooks is another possible internal cause.
  5. The current version of Windows has not been upgraded.


Fixing QuickBooks error 12029

If you encounter QuickBooks error 12029, you can attempt the solutions listed below to fix the problem.

Method 1: Checking Connections and Preferences

Intuit's QuickBooks software relies on Internet Explorer to connect to the web; as such, you should designate IE as your computer's default browser. Therefore, you should proceed as follows:

  1. Turn off your QuickBooks program and fire up Internet Explorer first.
  2. Next, select the Tools menu item or activate the Alt key.
  3. Then, navigate to the Internet Options > Security submenu.
  4. In the window for the Security tab, you'll need to look for the globe icon and then press on it.
  5. Confirm that you have Medium-high Security enabled.
  6. Find the Connections menu option now.
  7. Select OK, and then go to the LAN preferences.
  8. Navigate to the tab labelled automatically detect settings.
  9. Find the box labelled "Use a proxy server" and click it.
  10. After that, select OK and go to the next tab, which is the advanced one.
  11. Select the "Advanced" option when restoring.
  12. Select TLS 1.2, and then click OK.
  13. Quit Internet Explorer and restart the computer to complete the process.
  14. Get in touch with the TLS 1.2 tool and launch it.
  15. Determine if the current browser is the default one.

It's important to remember that if you're having trouble logging into a secure website using a method other than QuickBooks, you may need to speak with an IT professional.

Method 2: Double-check Your Antivirus and Firewall Settings

If it didn't work, try seeing if your computer's security software is blocking the download. Possible causes of this problem include firewall and anti-virus software configurations. There are situations where the software is unable to establish a connection to the server because of the security measures in place. When this happens, it's important to double-check and adjust the settings so that QuickBooks' payroll update process runs smoothly.

  1. First, get the QuickBooks file doctor from Intuit's main website.
  2. Put it on your desktop and then launch the program.
  3. The QuickBooks file doctor program will then proceed to open ports and configure the firewall automatically.
  4. Verifying that the QuickBooks error 12029 has been resolved is the final step.

Method 3: Get a new security certificate for your QuickBooks file.

  1. Right-click the QuickBooks desktop icon and select Properties to open the program's settings window.
  2. Under the Shortcut tab, select Open file in a new window/tab and then click OK.
  3. Then, select Properties from the menu that appears after right-clicking the QuickBooks.exe file.

Digital Signature Details Image

    4. Select QuickBooks from the drop-down, then click the Details            button next to Digital signatures.

    5. From the General menu, select View certificate, and then click          Install certificate.

Download and install a digital signature certificate Screenshot 257x300

    6. Under the Certificate import wizard window, select the                    current user as the store location and then click Next.

    7. Select the Next tab, then click the Finish button.

    8. Select the OK button to finish the procedure.

Method 4: Double-Check Your Online Connection

  1. The first thing you should do is fire up Internet Explorer and head over to a trusted website like google.com.
  2. Following the instructions below is only recommended if you can visit the website without any problems.
  3. Locate and fix any configuration issues with your Internet access.
  4. After everything is complete, check that the system's time and date are set properly.
  5. To access the Internet Options menu, launch Internet Explorer, select Tools from the menu bar, and then click the Settings tab.
  6. Select the Advanced menu and click the Reset/Restore defaults button.
  7.  Press the Apply and OK buttons.
  8. Check the QuickBooks error 12029's progress once you've completed the desktop and payroll upgrade.

Final Words

We hope you find this blog helpful and that using the solutions we've outlined here resolves the issue you're experiencing. Contact QuickBooks support staff if, despite your best efforts, you continue to see the error message 12029.