A person is part of a biocenosis of a particular place. Nature affects man directly or indirectly. It should be borne in mind that the biologically active substances obtained from plants, mwvane aftiaqi and the products of their metabolism enter the human body not only with plant foods, but also with meat and milk and cause desirable or undesirable pharmacological effects, like ordinary drugs.
Therefore, the phytotherapist must evaluate and program the pharmacological significance of the effects of environmental factors, such as food, water, air-they contain natural chemical compounds and therefore must also be considered as pharmacological exposure options. Food should be considered not only as a source of energy, but also as a medicine. In recent years, a special direction of phytotherapy and dietetics - phytodothytology has been actively formed.
Perennial practice of treatment with herbs indicates that with the correct assessment of deviations in the body and adequate selection of phytocompination components, most violations are corrected and the likelihood of achieving the desired pharmacological effect when using the drug increases. the entire pharmacological potential of the plants used (thousands of chemical compounds);
By full use of multiple duplication of functions in the body. Fitotherapy is the most difficult mwvane aftiaqi and deep scientific direction. Who will fully use natural pharmacological potential, who finds a rational algorithm for using phytopreparations will extend and improve the quality of life. I wish you health!