The Grand Egyptian Museum is considered one of the largest museums in the world, as it is the largest global civilization and cultural project being implemented at the present time. It was designed to serve as a gateway through time for the convergence of a 5,000-year-old civilization with modern civilization.


The Grand Egyptian Museum was built in a privileged location on the plateau between the pyramids and modern Cairo, giving its visitors the opportunity to see the three pyramids of Giza through the dazzling glass façade in the entrance hall of the Grand Egyptian Museum, where the total area of ​​the museum is about 500,000 square meters and the building covers about 168 000 square meters, and includes about 100,000 artifacts that are displayed to the world for the first time.

The Grand Egyptian Museum is not only a museum, but it was designed to be a cultural, touristic and entertainment complex and a scientific research center to be a destination for archaeological researchers from all over the world. It includes stores and a center for the maintenance and restoration of antiquities, in addition to large areas that include a number of promising investment opportunities represented in a conference center, a modern cinema, a number of shops, restaurants, cafeterias, and open spaces that are suitable for holding cultural and entertainment events against the backdrop of the pyramids panorama.