A man's pride and manliness are symbolized by his masculine chest. Every man wants his chest to be muscular and taut.  But occasionally, this dream could turn into a nightmare if the person has gynecomastia, also referred to as "man-boobs." Dr. Shilpi Bhadani, renowned as the best gynecomastia surgeon in Gurgaon, says that the best solution for this condition is to get gynecomastia surgery. It helps men achieve masculine looking chests within 2 hours. Want to know about the recovery timeline? Continue reading the blog.


Recovery Timeline by Days

Throughout the healing process, the patient must wear a compression garment at all times. Remember that there are no exceptions to this rule. The outcomes are otherwise expected, and there is a high risk of complications. The recovery process typically takes about 4 to 6 weeks. However, depending on the patient's immunity and the amount of tissue removed, the time frame may vary. Here are some things to expect when one recovers:


  • Day 1: It is not uncommon to feel sleepy on the first day of recovery. Furthermore, once the effects of anesthesia have worn off, the pain begins.

  • Days 2 and 3: These days are the most painful and swollen. However, taking painkillers and wearing compression garments can completely reduce swelling and tenderness. It is also acceptable to resume normal activities on this day.

  • After 7 Days: By the end of the first week, the patient should be comfortable and free of swelling.

  • After 21 Days: One can remove the compression garment. The patient is now able to feel normal. The results are already clear.


Are Gynecomastia Surgery Results Permanent?

Both gland excision surgery and liposuction for gynecomastia produce results that are permanent. However, if a patient continues to engage in unhealthy behaviors and lead a sedentary lifestyle, they are more likely to develop gynecomastia again. Furthermore, it is critical to treat the condition as soon as possible, regardless of its cause or stage, and to discuss it openly rather than keeping it hidden. 


If one wants to get gynecomastia treatment done and is wondering about the gynecomastia surgery cost in Gurgaon, one can visit SB Aesthetics. The facility is well-equipped with all the latest technologies and offers premium care to patients at affordable costs. At this clinic, the cost of gynecomastia surgery ranges between Rs. 50,000 - Rs. 95,000.