Blue dolphin ecstasy Pill

Most Popular Ecstasy Pills Around the world, the most prevalent ecstasy pill was a blue one stamped with a dolphin emblem. Dubbed the Blue Dolphin Pill, it also has a spinoff: the Yellow Dolphin.

A white ecstasy pill featuring the Mercedes emblem took second place, with 52 unique reports. According to the anti-drug news organization, you’ll ten see MDMA pills emblazed with luxury brands. In fact, many people recently started consuming Tesla-inspired pills. You’ll also see potentially-fatal ecstasy pills with Superman, Transformer, Rolex, and Cartier emblems in circulation.

Blue Dolphin Pills / Ecstasy Symptoms and Warning Signs Knowing the signs of ecstasy abuse can help you recognize what’s happening to someone you love. Most people who use ecstasy or molly experience increased energy and enhanced self-confidence, believing that everyone around them is their friend.

Some of the common signs of blue dolphin pills ecstasy use include:

  • Heightened sensory perception
  • Increased positive sensations
  • Increased capacity for empathy
  • Dilated pupils
  • Unnatural, long-lasting energy
  • Inability to feel, or reduced sense of, pain
  • Desire to touch or be touched
  • Changes in sleeping habits
  • Staying awake for days at a time
  • Paranoia
  • Impulsivity
  • Teeth clenching
  • Muscle tension
  • Dry mouth
  • Mild confusion
  • Excessive sweating
  • Promiscuity
  • Feeling in love with the person they are with, even if there is no personal history
  • A sense of euphoria
  • Heightened emotions
  • Thirst
  • Reduced anxiety and depression

Ecstasy/MDMA Addiction Blue Dolphin pills / Ecstasy is responsible for many deaths and thousands of hospital visits each year, proving it is not as harmless as dealers would like users to believe. The leading cause of ecstasy-related deaths is hyperthermia, or overheating.

In part, because ecstasy is often taken at raves or nightclubs, the user runs a high risk of becoming dehydrated or overheating—eventually causing their organs to stop functioning if left untreated. In some cases, undiagnosed heart defects can be aggravated by the effects of the drug, causing heart failure.

Many negative side effects, both short- and long-term, can come about as a result of using ecstasy. In today’s world, few people have access to pure MDMA. Many dealers sell pills that are cut with other ingredients, ranging from cocaine or heroin to caffeine and rat poison. For this reason, the effects of an “ecstasy” pill can be hard to predict.

Long-term Effects of Blue Dolphin Pills / Ecstasy Abuse Long-term use of MDMA may lead to compulsive behaviors and neglect of important responsibilities such as work, school, commitments, and relationships. This large shift in priorities can mark the beginning of an addiction or substance use disorder developing. Individuals who use ecstasy long-term have much higher rates of engaging in impulsive, dangerous behaviors or illegal activity to obtain more of the drug in spite of possible repercussions.

Continued use of ecstasy can confuse the brain’s reward and pleasure centers as well as cause long-term damage to nerves, the brain, and other vital organs. These long-term side effects also include:

  • Psychosis
  • Nerve degeneration
  • Depression, anxiety, and memory loss
  • Kidney failure
  • Hemorrhaging
  • Long-lasting brain damage
  • Cardiovascular collapse
  • Convulsions
  • Death

Blue Dolphin Pills / Ecstasy and Brain Damage Recent research has shown that brain damage can occur due to the use of ecstasy, even after only brief exposure. This damage can last for many years. A few symptoms caused by this damage include increased anxiety, depression, and confusion. Furthermore, it can also cause memory issues, issues with cognitive ability, and poor performance on tests. Long-term effects can amplify these symptoms resulting in severe brain damage.

Signs and Symptoms of Blue Dolphin Pills / Ecstasy Addiction Ecstasy abuse usually begins out of curiosity or experimentation, but continued abuse can devolve into addiction. Signs of addiction include using the drug frequently and being unable to have fun or feel normal without it. Addiction is characterized by an unnatural compulsion to use the drug without regard for negative consequences.
