Hello, my name is Lorelei Balansa. I am a professional author and partial character designer. This project is to sell and get my novels known to the world and to raise funds for my upcoming novels. Finwave is a story is set under the sea, among the marine life who live their lives like regular sea creatures. Their biggest known threat are extraterrestrial beings known as "alien fish", which are known for being violent, sociopathic murderers among the marine life and even humans. One day, our alien fish, Finwave descended from outer space and fell into the ocean where she was then found by Devere. The old lionfish raised her to be good for the upcoming years and taught her to always keep her powers a secret. However, one night in the Lakshadweep coral reefs something catastrophic happens and forces Finwave to leave her home for good. After her long and hard adventure, Finwave must choose who she is and where she really belongs, in the ocean she's known her whole life or back in space.  Mystery Novels For Kids

Click Here for More Info :- https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1913166532/finwave