Amusement parks are great family fun zones - the question is why? Why does an attraction that is old school continue to attract millions of visitors per year? In this day and age of digital entertainment, why does something that features rides and entertainment that are mechanical continue to fascinate us? Science may have an answer. It all revolves around the idea that the human brain produces chemicals that make us either sad or happy. These chemical compounds also give us the basis for those famous F's. Flight, fight or one that should not be named on a family orientated internet site. Let's call fun. The fact of the matter is that amusement parks and the rides that are within those magical boundaries are Real. They are not virtual. There are sensory inputs that cannot be mimicked, even by the best computer systems in the world.

There is not a processor that can give you that smell of cotton candy or freshly made popcorn. There are flashing neon lights and crowds - all of which make an amusement park a feast for the senses.

But what are those rides that allow us to really enjoy the amusement park experience? There are, of course, the famous and iconic landmarks of permanent parks such as those fabulous roller coasters that are found all over the world. But there are also amusement park rides that are a feature of even the most humble of traveling attractions - and one of these is what is called the 'disco' or Tagada Amusement Park Ride.

Most will not know it by these names - but it remains a staple of the amusement park experience. It is a simple idea. Let people take their spots on a mega turntable. Those seats at the edge of that turntable are where those who climb aboard will experience the thrill of simple movement - ably assisted by both gravity and physics. Once that table begins to turn those onboard are pressed against their seats by the force of circular momentum - and the results get that chemical to begin flowing in the brain - it is that chemical that is responsible for fear and excitement - adrenaline.

That is at the heart of the 'Disco Ride'. It is not by any means a complex piece of equipment - but for those who step aboard the experience is simply unforgettable. Add to the forces of physics neon light and music and you will have the carnival experience - or amusement park experience in one essentially simple package.

This is an UFO amusement ride for sale that any owner of an amusement park cannot afford to ignore. The very simplicity of the experience is one of its attractions - it is suitable for both young and old. This contributes to another attraction of the evergreen amusement park - the idea that a family can experience a day out in the company of those that they hold dear. It is, at its core what keeps amusement parks in business. Try out that disco ride the next time you want a perfect family day out - and have a cotton candy treat while you're visiting - it is the stuff that memories are made from.