When you think of Dubai, what comes to mind? Wealthy people sunbathing on luxury yachts? Maybe you envision the towering skyscrapers and frenetic pace of life. Whatever you may imagine, chances are it’s not centered around helium balloons. But don’t worry, that doesn’t mean there aren’t any fun and unique things to do in Dubai with helium balloons. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore some of our favorite things to do with helium balloons Dubai—from popping them in the air for a fun party game to creating colorful designs in the sky. So if you’re looking for something fun and exciting to do in Dubai, look no further than helium balloons!

How to Fly with Helium Balloons

Helium balloons are a great option if you’re looking for a fun and unique way to see Dubai from the air. Here are three tips on how to fly with helium balloons:

  • Choose the right balloon size. Bigger balloons will carry more gas and stay in the air longer, while smaller balloons will be lighter and fly further but will use up more gas.
  • Always launch from a safe place. Helium balloons can go up to 120 mph, so avoid open fields or busy streets when trying this out for the first time. Start by launching your balloon from a short distance away from people and buildings, so there is less chance of it getting damaged or entangled in something else during flight.
  • Keep an eye on your balloon! Once it’s airborne, it’s very easy to lose track of it – especially if you’re using a small balloon – so keep an eye on where it’s going and avoid obstacles.

The Different Types of Balloons

A variety of helium balloons can be used for different occasions. These include party balloons, novelty balloons, and Paw Patrol balloons.

Party Balloons are typically used for birthday parties or large celebrations. They are often brightly colored and come in various shapes and sizes.

Novel Balloons: These are usually designed to be funny or unique. They can be shaped like animals, characters from popular movies and TV shows, or whimsical designs with intricate details.

Paw Patrol Balloons: These are small but sturdy helium balloons designed to look like the children's show Paw Patrol characters. They come in various colors and designs and are perfect for celebrating special moments with your children.

What To Do While Flying With A Helium Balloon?

Helium balloons are perfect for filling up your flight with fun and excitement. Here are five things to do while flying with a helium balloon:

-Take photos of yourself and your friends from high up in the air.

-Float around aimlessly and enjoy the view.

-Drop little packets of confetti down onto people below.

-Release bright, colorful balloons into the sky.

-Enjoy the mellow sound of the wind through your balloon’s inflated panels.

Tips for Flying with Helium Balloons in Dubai

If you're looking for a unique way to experience Dubai, helium balloons are the way to go! Here are some tips for flying with Helium Balloons Dubai:

  • Book Your Flight Early - The earlier you book your flight, the better your chance of getting a good spot.
  • Choose a Clear Day - Choose a day when the sky is clear. This will make it easier to see the balloons in the air.
  • Avoid Hot Weather - If it's hot out, the balloons will also be too. Opt for a more relaxed day if possible so your balloon flight will be more enjoyable.


If you're looking for something fun and different to do in Dubai, consider heading up to the helium balloon launch site and taking a ride into the sky. There are plenty of other things to do in Dubai besides sightseeing with helium balloons. Still, they are an incredibly unique and fun experience that will leave a lasting impression on your memory. So don't wait any longer — get some helium balloons and start exploring Dubai like never before!