The cost of property management


As a property owner, you're always Guaranteed property mgmt save money. One way you can do this is by self-managing your rental property. However, this comes with a number of risks and responsibilities. If you're not prepared to take on these risks, then you may want to consider hiring a property management company.


While there are some upfront costs associated with hiring a property management company, there are also a number of potential benefits. These benefits can help to offset the costs over time and may even save you money in the long run.


Here are some of the potential benefits of hiring a property management company:


1. Reduced vacancy rates


One of the biggest benefits of hiring a property management company is that they can help to reduce your vacancy rates. A good property manager will have a network of potential tenants and will be able to fill your vacancy quickly. This can save you a lot of money in lost rent and can help to keep your property occupied.


2. Lower repair and maintenance costs


Another benefit of hiring a property management company is that they can help to lower your repair and maintenance costs. A good property manager will have a network of reliable and affordable contractors. They will also be familiar with the most common repair and maintenance issues for rental properties. This can help to save you a lot of money over time.


3. Increased rental income


A good property management company can also help to increase your rental income. They will be familiar with the local market and will be able to price your rental property competitively. They will also be able to screen tenants and find those that are most likely to pay rent on time and take care of your property. This can help to increase your bottom line.


4. Reduced stress


One of the biggest benefits of hiring a property management company is that it can help to reduce your stress. self-managing your rental property can be a full-time job. If you're not prepared to take on this responsibility, it can be very stressful. Hiring a property management company can help to take some of the burden off of your shoulders.



Property managers: who are they and what do they do?


There are many different types of property managers, but they all have one thing in common: they are responsible for the care and management of properties. This can include everything from handling maintenance and repairs to collecting rent and keeping track of finances.


Property managers can be either individuals or companies that are hired by property owners to take on the responsibility of managing their property. In some cases, property managers may also be responsible for marketing and promoting the property to potential tenants.

While the specific duties of property managers may vary depending on the type of property they are managing, there are some common tasks that all property managers are responsible for. These include:


1. Maintenance and Repairs


Property managers are responsible for ensuring that all maintenance and repair work is carried out in a timely and efficient manner. This can include everything from dealing with plumbing and electrical issues to fixing damage caused by weather or wear and tear.


2. Rent Collection


Property managers are responsible for collecting rent from tenants and keeping track of payments. They may also be responsible for issuing late payment notices and pursuing legal action if necessary.


3. Financial Management


Property managers are responsible for keeping track of the property's finances, including income and expenses. They may also be responsible for preparing and filing tax returns.


4. Lease Management


Property managers are responsible for enforcing the terms of leases and ensuring that tenants are following all the rules and regulations. This can include everything from ensuring that rent is paid on time to dealing with noise complaints.


5. Marketing and Promotion


In some cases, property managers may also be responsible for marketing and promoting the property to potential tenants. This can involve creating marketing materials, conducting viewings, and negotiating leases.

How to find the right property manager for your needs


Are you looking for a property manager? Not sure where to start? Here are four tips to help you find the right property manager for your needs.


1. Determine what services you need


The first step is to determine what services you need from a property manager. Do you need someone to simply collect rent and handle maintenance requests? Or do you need a property manager who will also market your rental and screen tenants? Once you know what services you need, you can start narrowing down your options.


2. Ask for referrals


One of the best ways to find a good property manager is to ask for referrals from friends, family, or other business professionals. If you know someone who is happy with their property manager, they’ll likely be happy to give you a referral.

3. Check out online reviews


If you don’t have any personal referrals, you can also check out online reviews. Sites like Google and Yelp are a great place to start. Just be sure to take the reviews with a grain of salt, as some people are more likely to write a review if they’re unhappy.


4. Schedule consultations


Once you’ve narrowed down your options, it’s time to schedule consultations with each of the property managers you’re considering. This is your chance to ask questions, get to know the property manager, and see if they’re a good fit for you.


Choosing a property manager is a big decision. But if you take your time and do your research, you’re sure to find the right fit for your needs.