"Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure" is a musical movie directed by Michael Lebeck, starring Ashley Tisdale and Austin Robert Butler.
The musical movie tells the story of Sharpay and her pet dog Boi who went to New York City after being discovered by scouts.
Musical movie plot
Sharpay in " High School Musical " fulfilled her dream- developed to New York City with her pet dog Boi after being discovered by scouts. But in New York City, Sharpay soon discovered that it was not as easy as she had imagined to realize her dream in New York City. If she wanted to succeed in the musical movie, she had to lower her expectations of herself. Sharpay was invited by a scout to audition for the Broadway opera starring her idol Amber Lee in New York City. However, her father was not worried about his daughter's future, so Sharpay reached an agreement with his father and developed successfully in New York City within one month. , Otherwise, I have to come back and work for my father's country club all the time! In order to prove himself, Sharpay asked many friends to help him organize the itinerary to New York City. When she came to New York City with her pet dog Boi full of confidence, she was caught on the streets of New York City because the luxury penthouse she booked did not allow dogs. At this musical movie time, Peyton, the son of Sharpay's mother's friend, appeared. He arranged his own studio for her as a temporary shelter. Sharpay was very dissatisfied with the simplicity of the studio. During the audition, Sharpay learned that the actor the crew wanted was only her dog, Boi. Sharpay, who was extremely disappointed by this, began to give up on herself. Peyton encouraged her, so Sharpay began to work hard to cultivate Boi into a Broadway star. However, she faces more challenges, and another powerful dog Duchess is also competing with Boi for this role. In order for Boi to get the role, she began to work in a low voice as the lead actor Amber Lee. However, she discovered that her idol, Amber Lee, was just a self-centered Narcissism who would only use others to exalt herself. Sharpay began a plan of revenge against Amber Lee. The true face of Amber Lee was finally revealed by Sharpay, and Amber Lee left the crew hysterically. And the month in Sharpay's agreement with his father is about to expire. She packs up her things and prepares to go home desperately. Peyton rushed to the Broadway crew who was worried about not having to star in a musical and recommended Sharpay to them. The crew was convinced by Sharpay's talent for acting and musicals and decided to hire her. In the musical movie end, Sharpay became a musical star, and she also found love in New York City and Peyton.